I can't believe it has been a month since my last update. I would have gave up on this blog a long time ago if I was following it:) I want to say I will do better but you must remember there isn't internet everywhere like in the great USA and there are two different kind of outlets in Egypt and sometimes I am powerless. So that is my excuse even though not a good one....... So lets start with Qatar!!!!
I thought Doha was an awesome city. It was so clean and all the buildings were brand new. I didn't get to see all of Doha but I tried to see as much as I could in the short time I was there. They have a great river walk and I would love to go back in a few years to see how much it changed. My company has multiple very large projects in Qatar and hopefully more to come with the World Cup in 2022. One thing I noticed was everyone had very nice cars and you could just tell there was a lot of oil money floating around. I spent most of the week at one of our jobsites getting training on a new software program that hopefully we get in Egypt soon. I learned alot but I am going to be honest being trained from someone whose native language isn't English can be exhausting. One day I was trained by someone from India, Asia and Egypt. Which definitely gave my brain a challenge. Don't get me wrong though I think that is one of the coolest things about working abroad is getting to have coworkers from all over the world but when you are use to Egyptian English and then you have to switch over it can take some time. I was also glad to meet some other TIME (Turner International Middle East) outside of Egypt. Besides that I walked around the city alot and unfortuantely couldn't get into The Pearl becasue you have to have permission to get in that area. I thought of my architecture family and friends when I was there too I figure they would really enjoy the site. Now for the Boat Trip.......
This past Sunday I got invited to go on a friends boat for the day and it was amazing. The boat went around the coast of Alexandria in the Mediterrian Sea. I finally swam in the SEA!!!! I have lived next to it for over 3 months and haven't got it until now. Hopefully I will get more opportunities. After the boat trip we went out to a seafood restaurant on the Cornish. The fish was fresh and amazing. My friends that own the boat left an open invitation to come and use it whenever. It just shows how hospitable Egyptians are and of course I gladly with accept in due time:)
Besides that not a whole lot to report. I went to Cairo for a weekend and met up with some friends and had a great time. I am headed off to Sharm el Shiek on Thursday to do some diving in the Red Sea and have a nice little 4 day holiday so I am very excited since I haven't got a chance to travel outside of Cairo and Alexandria. I also posted some photos of the job I am working on. The water is the most beautiful I have every seen at the Marassi project. I can't wait to use it this summer!!!
Miss you all